Monday, January 17, 2011


I posted a facebook status at about 5:00 PM eastern time that read "Just made herself vulnerable :-/ this never happens. I'm as shut off as shut off can get."

For those of you who do not know, the word vulnerable is an adjective meaning capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt.  Of course it can be used in other ways, this is the way that I was meaning it.

Last semester, I physically and emotionally shut myself off from people, and only opened up to certain people (who I trusted with everything, who I knew wouldn't judge me for my decisions that I made!).  I was even told by someone that "'s almost like you're cold to people." I will never ever forget that, because that's not who I am, that's not my personality.  I'm loud, outgoing, crazy, everything! However, after evaluating that particular statement, I realized that I was being "cold" and that I wasn't allowing myself to become "vulnerable" again by shutting everyone out except the people that I already trusted.  I'm starting to realize that I was willing to take risks in every other area of my life, except with people! So, I did today. I took a HUGE risk, I was open, honest, truthful. So now, it's in God's hands- as is everything else! =)

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