Saturday, January 22, 2011

A true southern gentleman

Anyone who knows me, knows that my AMAZING grandparents raised me.  They're my everything in life, and truly believe that if I set my mind to it, I could move a mountain. <-- Hey- if I starred at it long enough I'm sure it would look like it moved, even if it was just a millimeter, goal accomplished.  But that's besides the point.  With one being born in the early 40s and the other the late 40s, and being raised through pretty much everything that helped to shape our country today, it's easy to say that the relationship they have is very "old fashioned".

My Grandma is from upstate New York (feisty, fast paced, outspoken, etc) and my Grandpa is from Georgia- but raised in Sweetwater, TN (laid back about life, talkative, hilarious, etc). So- it's always interesting in our house, because I'm a lovely mix of the both of them (even though they're not my birth parents, you are who raised you- not necessarily who gave birth to you). But, okay, their relationship- my Grandpa is STILL SO IN LOVE with my Grandma (and of course my Grandma is STILL in love with my Grandpa, but this is about my Grandpa!).  He's been retired now for I don't know how long, for as long as I can remember, and for as long as I can remember, all he's wanted to do is make her happy.  He's 68 years old, and still opens all doors for my Grandma, still lets her win (or think she's right- sorry Mom - you're not always right!), cooks dinner, does laundry so she doesn't have to when she's done with dialysis, and anything that he thinks will just make life easier. Example-- he got a new riding lawn mower, and because he knew how much my Mom wanted to test it out... he let her have the first spin around the yard instead of him, even though it was HIS birthday present. Okay, I think you get the picture.  But, most importantly- he never ever forgets to say I Love You.  Anytime they part, they say how much they love one another, give 2 kisses, and then leave.

But, that makes me wonder.  I idolize my grandparents relationship, marriage, and strength so much, that I expect nothing less in a man.  I feel like a man should be able to step out of his "manliness" and cook, clean, do laundry, run errands, do things he doesn't want to do, or just well anything that's titled "woman things" and visa versa.  But, don't ever stop working on a relationship/marriage- no matter how great it is- there's always room for improvement.  Never get comfortable, when you're comfortable, you get lazy, when you get lazy, you forget what makes each other happy and why you fell in love.

I love my grandparents so much, and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be where I am today!

Until next time...

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