Sunday, January 9, 2011


Yesterday, the Volunteer Hall staff did an activity to figure out what type of personality we were.  I found that I was an "orange" personality.  We then received a sheet of paper that described our individual personalities.  I was shockingly surprised to see how accurate this little test was. It said:

 I act on a moment's notice
Witty, Charming, Spontaneous
I consider life as a game, here and now
Impulsive, Generous, Impactful
I need fun, variety, stimulation, and excitement
Optimistic, Eager, Bold
I value skill, resourcefulness, and courage
Physical, Immediate, Fraternal
I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, a competitor

--I am bored and reckless with jobs that are routine and structured.
--I am more satisfied with careers that allow me independence and freedom.
--I am a natural performer.
--I seek a relationship with shared activities and interests.
--I like to explore new ways to energize the relationship.
--I like to be bold, and thrive on physical contact.
--I enjoy extravagant gifts that bring obvious pleasure to my loved one.
--Of all types of children, I had the most difficult time fitting into academic routine.
--I learn by doing and experiencing, rather than reading and listening.
--I need physical involvement in the learning process.
--I am motivated by my own natural competitive nature and sense of fun.

I like action! To go for it on a moment's notice.
I am witty, charming, and bold.
I see life as a game, here and now.
I act on impulse, I like adventure, I like to compete,
and I am skillful in what I do.
I live life to the limit and have a cheerful outlook.
I learn by doing and am a natural trouble-shooter

--I need classes to be "hands on".
--I like to play games, compete, and to perform.
--I like classes that have contests, changes of pace, and variety.
--I often excel in sports.
--I like solving problems and negotiating for what I want.
--I can be direct and like immediate results.
--Planning ahead bores me because I never know what I want to do until the moment arrives.
--I like to excite my date with new and different things, places to go, and romantic moments.
--I need a lot of space and freedom.
--I want everyone to have fun.
--It is hard for me to follow rules and I feel we should all just enjoy one another.

This is so dead on to being me it is ridiculous.  For those of you who don't truly know/understand me and my personality, I hope that this helps- even just a little.

Until next time...

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