Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reso- oh yeah!

I've sat here for the past few days trying to decide what my "new years resolution" would be.  I could have done the typical, lose 10 pounds, become a better Christian, help others, etc.  However, I wanted to do something different, something more challenging-- something that would keep me focused for an entire year. So I thought long and hard about what I wanted to accomplish this year, and that's when I realized- each month this past year has been something new for me, so why would I set just one goal for myself. 

I am unsure of what I want to accomplish for myself the other 11 months of the year- but for right now, I do know what I will be doing for January.  Besides focusing strictly on school, and getting myself in the right mindset, I will also be partaking in the Daniel Fast.  In a nutshell I cannot eat meats, breads, sweets, or drink anything but water for 21 days.  This starts January 9 and continues until the 29. (Daniel 10:3 KJV) The purpose of this fast to become closer to God- to find myself, the more spiritual me. I want to take that walk with him, and build an unbreakable bond with him.  And I know that with his help, guidance, and strength, I will be able to do this.

Until next time...

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