Wednesday, June 20, 2012


So, I'm going to take after my lovely friend Kelly Ginn (you may follow her blog at A Ginn and A Ginn) and do What I Love Wednesdays =)

I'm currently loving all things mint. I'd love to dye my white jean capris a mint green! FAB!

Love this outfit

Chevron & my initial - bingo!


Random - I love corn on the cob on the grill! Jeffrey needs to be the grill master soon....

Parmesan Garlic Grilled Corn  made by @Angie McGowan (Eclectic Recipes)

I wish my backyard looked THIS amazing!!!

Stone walkway in the garden

And lastly, how to make homemade Febreeze (because I'm a febreeze spraying fanatic)
Homemade Febreze: What you'll need:  1/8 Cup of fabric softener (I used Downy April Fresh)  2 tablespoons Baking Soda  Hot tap water  Spray bottle (I used my empty 27 oz. Febreze bottle)  combine all in bottle, shake well and use!
Homemade Febreze:
What you'll need:
1/8 Cup of fabric softener (I used Downy April Fresh)
 2 tablespoons Baking Soda
Hot tap water
Spray bottle (I used my empty 27 oz. Febreze bottle)
Combine all in bottle
Shake well and use!

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Beginnings

Let me start off with such amazing news... =)

I'd like to welcome Brookelynn Isabella Lane to the world!
She was born May 21, 2012 at 5:03 PM
6 pounds 14.3 ounces
18 inches

Such cuteness!!! I'm such a proud Aunt already!!!!

Next beginning. If you are friends with me on facebook, you have seen my paintings.  I've recently just been painting away! And it's a new talent that I've discovered in myself that I had NO idea that I had! It's pretty awesome I must say! So, here are the few that I've done so far.  I'm probably not going to sell any of these just because well these are my first - but I need some suggestions on what to paint!

Here they are:

My first one, a Tennessee football helmet.  This one was done at Canvas by U. A little rough, but needless to say, I love it =)

Wine and dine! =)

And this one I made for Brookelynn, now all of them are done in my home, =)

The Atlanta Skyline

Flowers, the yellow middles are hard to see with the flash!

And this one my mother asked me to make for her -- as a "surprise"

Now, lets see!
This past weekend was such fun. Jeffrey and I had dinner with my grandparents Friday night and breakfast with them Saturday morning! It was so wonderful to just hang out with them! Saturday night, we went to Monterrey's, this WONDERFUL little Mexican restaurant right down the street from us!

And I don't know why they are turned sideways, but they're on my computer right ways up.  I'm to lazy to figure out the problem, so just turn your head to the right.

And this picture is from our night out with friends! =)

Until next time

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Yepp boys, take notes!!

Thanks Mom!

Until Next Time

Miscellaneous Thoughts

1. Organization -- pretty proud of myself here =)
So, lately I've become obsessed with being more than organized.  Everything has to be in it's proper place.  If it has the ability to be alphabatized, it's alphabatized.  If it can be in a bin, yepp, it's in a bin.

Well, on Monday I tackled my bills --yippee! I went out and bought a fun looking binder and put all Cable/Phone/Internet in one tab (organized by company and by newest to oldest), Testing Scores/GA TAPP expenses in one tab, utilities in one (seperated by natural gas and electric and then organized from newest to oldest), miscellaneous (doctor bills, vet, etc. Organized by date), and rent (by payment, newest to oldest). I'm pretty proud of myself.

I also made an excel spread sheet of the next entire years expenses. Outlining how much rent will be and then I have the ability to just add in all the other expenses. This way I know where my money goes! SUCCESS!!!!!

2. Pat-i-oooooo
Lookie lookie
=) So proud! I built the table all by myself!! Thanks Tarjay for such a great deal on the table and Ikea for the $10 umbrella!!

3. And Molly is HATING this GA heat...
Look how ridiculously LONG her tongue is!

Okay, I feel like I'm rambling. I promise once I get out all my BLAH BLAH moments, and figure out what direction I want my blog to go in, it'll be more meaningful!! =)

Until next time,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bills Bills Bills

Ahh, back to blogging, and expressing myself in a place where it just doesn't matter what I talk about =) so, this one is going the be a plethora of things...

Since moving to Kennesaw May of 2011 - let's just say BILLS have been a problem. UGH!! And -- since making the move to Decatur in April, they seem to just keep piling up more and more.  I find myself always paying SOMEONE money - whether it be the gas/electric people, AT&T for cable/internet, the landlord to have a roof over my head, gas to get to and from work to actually pay these stupid bills, miscellaneous expenses (grooming/shots for Molly, doctor visits and medication, and don't forget those fun but expensive nights out in downtown!).

However, since moving to Decatur (yepp, still live with Jeffrey and Manuel-- if you live with boys, you know how hard this can be at times), I've been able to make more friends, and been able to do more things that are me.  I've been able to take up painting and go shopping more! It's been a blessing in disguise (behind all the money spent).

I've recently been given the best gift of all (I think).  I'm head coach of a Central Dekalb 6 and under Competitive Cheer team, and I couldn't be happier.  It's all completely volunteer, but it's something to get me out and about.  If you've known me, since well middle school, I love cheerleading with a passion.  It's a pride and joy of mine.

Here are some pics since last time I've blogged:

Jeffrey graduated with his Masters of Accountancy

We've been to Tampa to see the Bucs vs. the Cowboys

We visited the Ice Bar in Orlando

Molly turned 1 =)


My beautiful Best Friend's Bridal Shower! This is the Bridal Party and Bride =)

I discovered that I love making Diaper Cakes =)

And that Molly loves babies...

My brother and his girlfriend at their baby shower... C'mon baby Brooklyn!

I've also coined myself as a wine connoisseur.

I like to think I've kept myself pretty busy and I look forward to what God has planned for me in the future!

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since my last blog post! A lot has happened since.  I've graduated college, moved out-of-state, got a job - then quit my job, started school to become a teacher, got another job to support myself, and now I'm here today.  Let's just say, I've learned A LOT since my last blog post!!!


I've learned how to live on a budget! I've always been stable when it comes to money, I've been able to do the things I've wanted to do.  However, living paycheck to paycheck has taught me that I can NO LONGER live extravagant.  I can't even remember the last time I bought myself something that I really wanted. 

I've learned responsibility! Let's be real, I've always thought that I was a pretty responsible individual, but since moving I have gotten a dog (when I had a big girl job!!).  This dog is HIGH MAINTENANCE and loves being pampered, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  She's the best ever and truly loves me (as do most dogs love their owners!) Anyways, back to responsibility.  I had to train her, which I was terrified of - it's hit or miss! Then, on my lunch breaks I had to come home and take her out to reinforce "outside...outside".  Let's just say, I've never been responsible for anyone other than myself and it's taught me that I don't always come first.

 This is Molly!!!!

And this is Molly and my other roomie Manuel (Jeffrey's best friend!)

Since graduating, I've moved in with my boyfriend.  We've been dating a while and let's just say I thought I really knew him! I mean c'mon you learn to just "be yourself" in a relationship right? Well, I'd like to say that you don't truly know someone until you live with them! I've learned SO MUCH MORE about Jeffrey than I could have ever imagined.  We're total opposites - but, I like it! It makes it that much more interesting because each day is NEVER the same.  P.S. I would totally recommend living together BEFORE marriage.

Meet Jeffrey!

Since moving, I haven't been able to see my family as often as I would like! This kills me! They come down to ATL maybe once every 2 months (??) I really don't know. But, it's only for the day! It sucks! I really do miss my family so much!!!

Hmmm, I think that's enough for now, I'll do more later. I'm in class! BAHAHA

Until next time...

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So-- My listening privileges have been given back to me on Pandora! Haha, did you know you only get 40 free hours a month? Ya, I didn't until my 40 hours were up.  Then, I tried to use my other e-mail account (cheating the system).  Well, it recognized that I was using the SAME computer! BUGH! So, I had to wait until the start of February to hear new music again.  How lame! Anyways- I had never ever hear of Matisyahu before I had my listening privileges back. And I really like his music.  It's catchy, laid back- and has a positive message.  BUT- it really gave me something to blog about, I'm so lame I know.

Here's the song I'm sure some of you have heard before, it was used as the countdown to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics by NBC (and a few other things)... here's their countdown One Day Video/Commercial: 

So, besides being on TV and being used in film/documentaries/commercials, I took a lot from this song.  It reminded me of the "coexist" stickers,shirts, etc. that you see everywhere. 

But, more importantly- it was the words that I listened to- and just thought. How true is this.  If this song just spread to the world, and if people stopped for the duration of the song and listened- would it impact maybe just one persons life the same way it did mine?

"Sometimes in my tears I drown, but I never let it get me down..." -- just because something happens to you, doesn't mean you can't learn from it.  Pick yourself up and grow! Learn! You're human! Everyone has emotions, laughs, cries, gets hurt, it's normal! It's life! But, it's how you handle it! Are you going to mope around and let yourself "drown in your own tears"? No, you're going to say "hey it happened" and you're going to become a better person because of it.

"So when negativity surrounds, I know some day it'll all turn around;" -- If you think that you're the only person going through something, you're sadly mistaken friend! Some people are very good at hiding when something is wrong with them. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  More importantly- surround yourself with those people who are so positive about their lives that it helps you to see that life really is something so great and amazing! =)

"All my life I've been waiting for...I've been praying for...for the people to say...that we don't wanna fight no more...they'll be no more wars...and our children will play..." -- If you don't know what's going on in THE ENTIRE WORLD, you should probably read the newspaper, turn on CNN, Fox News, HLN, etc.  Educate yourself, your mind. Put your phone down, get off facebook/twitter, socialize yourself more (because we are all guilty of this!) and become more aware that our world that we live in really doesn't just involve ourselves! Put on your computers a little "stick note app" ..."How can I better myself?"..."Whose life did I impact today?"... Because these are 2 things that I ask myself each day, who did I really impact more each day? Myself? or someone else? Think about it- not saying that it's something you have to do, but could things change if people stopped thinking "me me me" and more "what can I do to help?" There are children who even in the United States need help (not just in foreign countries). 

"It's not about win or lose cause, we all lose when they feed on the souls of the innocent blood drenched pavement...keep on moving though the waters stay raging, in this maze you can lose your way (your way)" -- I think this is one of my favorite lines, because it's true, we all do lose when the innocent are affected.  Those over in the foreign countries who did nothing wrong, who lost their lives just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or 9/11- if you were in the towers or in the planes and had no idea what was going on- it was a mishap that you were there and other people's lives were affected because of other people's decisions.  But, "in this maze you can lose your way"- so many obstacles are thrown at people now, people have more decisions to make, more things to influence those decisions, and in turn one wrong decision can ruin a person's life forever. 

"It might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way)..." 

"One day this all will change, treat people the same. stop with the violence, down with the day we'll all be free. and proud to be...under the same sun, singing songs of freedom day..." -- So one day this will all change... and maybe one day we can all get along, and stop hatin' on one another (yes, I used the word hatin' because that's just what we're doing).  We get jealous of what others have instead of being grateful of what we have, instead of being thankful that we're even a live, able to eat, breathe, etc.  So- maybe, one day!

Until Next Time....