Thursday, May 10, 2012

Miscellaneous Thoughts

1. Organization -- pretty proud of myself here =)
So, lately I've become obsessed with being more than organized.  Everything has to be in it's proper place.  If it has the ability to be alphabatized, it's alphabatized.  If it can be in a bin, yepp, it's in a bin.

Well, on Monday I tackled my bills --yippee! I went out and bought a fun looking binder and put all Cable/Phone/Internet in one tab (organized by company and by newest to oldest), Testing Scores/GA TAPP expenses in one tab, utilities in one (seperated by natural gas and electric and then organized from newest to oldest), miscellaneous (doctor bills, vet, etc. Organized by date), and rent (by payment, newest to oldest). I'm pretty proud of myself.

I also made an excel spread sheet of the next entire years expenses. Outlining how much rent will be and then I have the ability to just add in all the other expenses. This way I know where my money goes! SUCCESS!!!!!

2. Pat-i-oooooo
Lookie lookie
=) So proud! I built the table all by myself!! Thanks Tarjay for such a great deal on the table and Ikea for the $10 umbrella!!

3. And Molly is HATING this GA heat...
Look how ridiculously LONG her tongue is!

Okay, I feel like I'm rambling. I promise once I get out all my BLAH BLAH moments, and figure out what direction I want my blog to go in, it'll be more meaningful!! =)

Until next time,

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