Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bills Bills Bills

Ahh, back to blogging, and expressing myself in a place where it just doesn't matter what I talk about =) so, this one is going the be a plethora of things...

Since moving to Kennesaw May of 2011 - let's just say BILLS have been a problem. UGH!! And -- since making the move to Decatur in April, they seem to just keep piling up more and more.  I find myself always paying SOMEONE money - whether it be the gas/electric people, AT&T for cable/internet, the landlord to have a roof over my head, gas to get to and from work to actually pay these stupid bills, miscellaneous expenses (grooming/shots for Molly, doctor visits and medication, and don't forget those fun but expensive nights out in downtown!).

However, since moving to Decatur (yepp, still live with Jeffrey and Manuel-- if you live with boys, you know how hard this can be at times), I've been able to make more friends, and been able to do more things that are me.  I've been able to take up painting and go shopping more! It's been a blessing in disguise (behind all the money spent).

I've recently been given the best gift of all (I think).  I'm head coach of a Central Dekalb 6 and under Competitive Cheer team, and I couldn't be happier.  It's all completely volunteer, but it's something to get me out and about.  If you've known me, since well middle school, I love cheerleading with a passion.  It's a pride and joy of mine.

Here are some pics since last time I've blogged:

Jeffrey graduated with his Masters of Accountancy

We've been to Tampa to see the Bucs vs. the Cowboys

We visited the Ice Bar in Orlando

Molly turned 1 =)


My beautiful Best Friend's Bridal Shower! This is the Bridal Party and Bride =)

I discovered that I love making Diaper Cakes =)

And that Molly loves babies...

My brother and his girlfriend at their baby shower... C'mon baby Brooklyn!

I've also coined myself as a wine connoisseur.

I like to think I've kept myself pretty busy and I look forward to what God has planned for me in the future!

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. Love love love! I can't wait to see you this weekend :)
