Thursday, February 3, 2011


So-- My listening privileges have been given back to me on Pandora! Haha, did you know you only get 40 free hours a month? Ya, I didn't until my 40 hours were up.  Then, I tried to use my other e-mail account (cheating the system).  Well, it recognized that I was using the SAME computer! BUGH! So, I had to wait until the start of February to hear new music again.  How lame! Anyways- I had never ever hear of Matisyahu before I had my listening privileges back. And I really like his music.  It's catchy, laid back- and has a positive message.  BUT- it really gave me something to blog about, I'm so lame I know.

Here's the song I'm sure some of you have heard before, it was used as the countdown to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics by NBC (and a few other things)... here's their countdown One Day Video/Commercial: 

So, besides being on TV and being used in film/documentaries/commercials, I took a lot from this song.  It reminded me of the "coexist" stickers,shirts, etc. that you see everywhere. 

But, more importantly- it was the words that I listened to- and just thought. How true is this.  If this song just spread to the world, and if people stopped for the duration of the song and listened- would it impact maybe just one persons life the same way it did mine?

"Sometimes in my tears I drown, but I never let it get me down..." -- just because something happens to you, doesn't mean you can't learn from it.  Pick yourself up and grow! Learn! You're human! Everyone has emotions, laughs, cries, gets hurt, it's normal! It's life! But, it's how you handle it! Are you going to mope around and let yourself "drown in your own tears"? No, you're going to say "hey it happened" and you're going to become a better person because of it.

"So when negativity surrounds, I know some day it'll all turn around;" -- If you think that you're the only person going through something, you're sadly mistaken friend! Some people are very good at hiding when something is wrong with them. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  More importantly- surround yourself with those people who are so positive about their lives that it helps you to see that life really is something so great and amazing! =)

"All my life I've been waiting for...I've been praying for...for the people to say...that we don't wanna fight no more...they'll be no more wars...and our children will play..." -- If you don't know what's going on in THE ENTIRE WORLD, you should probably read the newspaper, turn on CNN, Fox News, HLN, etc.  Educate yourself, your mind. Put your phone down, get off facebook/twitter, socialize yourself more (because we are all guilty of this!) and become more aware that our world that we live in really doesn't just involve ourselves! Put on your computers a little "stick note app" ..."How can I better myself?"..."Whose life did I impact today?"... Because these are 2 things that I ask myself each day, who did I really impact more each day? Myself? or someone else? Think about it- not saying that it's something you have to do, but could things change if people stopped thinking "me me me" and more "what can I do to help?" There are children who even in the United States need help (not just in foreign countries). 

"It's not about win or lose cause, we all lose when they feed on the souls of the innocent blood drenched pavement...keep on moving though the waters stay raging, in this maze you can lose your way (your way)" -- I think this is one of my favorite lines, because it's true, we all do lose when the innocent are affected.  Those over in the foreign countries who did nothing wrong, who lost their lives just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or 9/11- if you were in the towers or in the planes and had no idea what was going on- it was a mishap that you were there and other people's lives were affected because of other people's decisions.  But, "in this maze you can lose your way"- so many obstacles are thrown at people now, people have more decisions to make, more things to influence those decisions, and in turn one wrong decision can ruin a person's life forever. 

"It might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way)..." 

"One day this all will change, treat people the same. stop with the violence, down with the day we'll all be free. and proud to be...under the same sun, singing songs of freedom day..." -- So one day this will all change... and maybe one day we can all get along, and stop hatin' on one another (yes, I used the word hatin' because that's just what we're doing).  We get jealous of what others have instead of being grateful of what we have, instead of being thankful that we're even a live, able to eat, breathe, etc.  So- maybe, one day!

Until Next Time....

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