Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since my last blog post! A lot has happened since.  I've graduated college, moved out-of-state, got a job - then quit my job, started school to become a teacher, got another job to support myself, and now I'm here today.  Let's just say, I've learned A LOT since my last blog post!!!


I've learned how to live on a budget! I've always been stable when it comes to money, I've been able to do the things I've wanted to do.  However, living paycheck to paycheck has taught me that I can NO LONGER live extravagant.  I can't even remember the last time I bought myself something that I really wanted. 

I've learned responsibility! Let's be real, I've always thought that I was a pretty responsible individual, but since moving I have gotten a dog (when I had a big girl job!!).  This dog is HIGH MAINTENANCE and loves being pampered, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  She's the best ever and truly loves me (as do most dogs love their owners!) Anyways, back to responsibility.  I had to train her, which I was terrified of - it's hit or miss! Then, on my lunch breaks I had to come home and take her out to reinforce "outside...outside".  Let's just say, I've never been responsible for anyone other than myself and it's taught me that I don't always come first.

 This is Molly!!!!

And this is Molly and my other roomie Manuel (Jeffrey's best friend!)

Since graduating, I've moved in with my boyfriend.  We've been dating a while and let's just say I thought I really knew him! I mean c'mon you learn to just "be yourself" in a relationship right? Well, I'd like to say that you don't truly know someone until you live with them! I've learned SO MUCH MORE about Jeffrey than I could have ever imagined.  We're total opposites - but, I like it! It makes it that much more interesting because each day is NEVER the same.  P.S. I would totally recommend living together BEFORE marriage.

Meet Jeffrey!

Since moving, I haven't been able to see my family as often as I would like! This kills me! They come down to ATL maybe once every 2 months (??) I really don't know. But, it's only for the day! It sucks! I really do miss my family so much!!!

Hmmm, I think that's enough for now, I'll do more later. I'm in class! BAHAHA

Until next time...